Last update

May 29, 2024

Why should I opt in to all current and future pages and accounts

When prompted to connect your Instagram account, Facebook and Instagram will activate a popup to guide you through the process and help you set up your pages and account correctly. During this process, you'll be asked to select:

  • The Business you want Heylist to access.
  • The Pages you want Heylist to access.
  • The Instagram Accounts you want Heylist to access.

The simplest way is to opt-in to all current and future pages and accounts. This won't actually give Heylist access to everything permanently, but it will allow Heylist to gather all your connected accounts, from which you'll choose one once you return to Heylist's signup.

The last page you select is the one Heylist will use to connect your account. At this point, the connection will be made, and your Heylist profile picture in the top right will automatically appear. If we've done everything correctly, that profile picture should be the same as the Instagram account you want to connect. If it's not, simply head back to your Heylist account settings and either change your connection or disconnect and reconnect your account.

Helpful tips

Click the link below to access your Meta Business Suite and validate which of your pages are connected together:
Access my Meta Business Suite

In the top-left dropdown menu under "Business Portfolio," find the asset that includes both your Instagram account and Facebook page.

The Facebook page shown with your Instagram account is the one you should connect to your Heylist account.